Throughout his career, Dr. Studin has done over 10,000 surgeries, earning the trust of his patients, who have come from around the world to have him do their surgery.
Having trained at such places as Mount Sinai, in New York, Columbia, NYU, Harvard, and Memorial Sloan Kettering, Dr. Studin was awarded the prestigious Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS), is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of the Americans Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Dr. Studin is an internationally acclaimed expert in breast surgery. Over a decade as director of a breast center in Manhattan and awarded a patent for improving breast implant placement, he is trusted by patients and peers worldwide.
Using an advanced technique that he developed, patients wake up pain-free, and most feel no pain at all during recovery.
Dr. Studin has been awarded over 40 patents in 26 countries, and has new patents in process as he continues to be a leading innovator in medicine and surgery.
Why Breast Implants May Be Right For You
If you would like larger, shapelier, higher, or more even breasts, breast augmentation at the exclusive, private practice of Dr. Studin may help you achieve the look that you have been dreaming of! read more
Breast augmentation is a very common plastic surgery procedure designed to enhance breasts to be fuller, shapelier, more even or more lifted. Some women never develop full breasts after puberty. This could be from genetics, or just bad luck. Others, have a loss of breast tissue after pregnancies, with, or without breast-feeding. These breasts can becomes droopy and empty.
Women from 18 to over 70 years old are commonly seen for breast augmentation. The younger patients usually never developed full breasts. The older patients either had post-pregnancy, involution, or loss of skin support due to aging or weight fluctuation. Many of this group have wanted breast implants for years, and finally decided to go ahead with the procedure. If you want your breasts to be larger, more shapely, or more symmetrical, then you are likely to be a good candidate for breast augmentation.
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Schedule consultSilicone or Saline Breast Implants?
Silicone Implants
A silicone implant has a silicone shell that contains a silicone gel that mimics the feel of natural breast tissues. There are very clear reasons why one would choose silicone or salineimplants. read more
There are no significant difference in illnesses or complications associated with choosing silicone or saline implants. Many people feel they only want the "more natural" saline implants. However, saline implants actually have a silicone shell. The part that touches you is the same. There is no such thing as a saline implant without a silicone surround.
Leaking of the silicone into the surrounding tissue was common prior to 1986. The implant was redesigned then, to eliminate the thin silicone liquid that caused this problem, and replaced it with a cohesive gel.
Silicone and saline implants also weigh the same. They look the same. But they do not feel the same. Silicone implants feel much more natural and are less likely to ripple over time. Discuss this and much more in your consultation with Dr. Studin
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Saline Implants
Saline breast implants have silicone shells. Some people feel that they want the "more natural" saline implant. They look the same and they weigh the same, but they do not feel the same. Saline implants are more likely to be felt within the breast than silicone implants, which are softer. However, the FDA has decided that unless you are 18 - 22 years of age, or older, you can only get saline implants. read more
Breast Implant Shape Types

Teardrop Breast Implants
Teardrop implants, sometimes referred to as shaped or anatomic implants, have a shape that was designed to simulate the look of a natural breast. This particular kind of implant has an asymmetrical form, with a thin upper portion that gradually slopes into a fuller, rounder base. read more The lower section of the implant contains the greater portion of its total volume. While this seems like it should be a good idea, it is really not. The reason is, that while shaped like a teardrop at first, over months and years the weight of the gel will stretch the bottom a little bit. In these implants, the top was almost empty when you started. By a few years later, it is totally empty on top making it look saggy. Not a great idea.
Since teardrop implants are asymmetrically shaped, they also carry a risk of rotating within the breast pocket. This implant rotation can ruin the shape and symmetry of the breasts, and require corrective surgery to fix. Round implants are perfectly symmetrical, and thus they carry no risk of rotating. The very same settling that makes the teardrop implants look bad later, makes round implants look natural when healing is complete
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Round Breast Implants
Breast augmentation procedures typically involve the use of round implants because they are the most natural-looking option, once healing is complete. A round implant does not give you a phony looking round breast. The way you avoid a phony looking round breast is by read more putting the implant under the muscle, fat and breast tissue, providing great coverage over the breast implant. Since the implant takes the shape of the surrounding tissue, these look very natural when they have settled into place. This shape avoids the emptiness on top often seen with teardrop implants. In fact, round implants have a tendency to look more natural when the patient is lying down, because their filler gets equally distributed throughout the implant, whereas teardrop implants continue to be constrained to their original shape.
Round implants often have a uniform viscosity that is more natural-feeling and are made of either saline or silicone. They are available in a wide range of sizes, projections (the distance they extend outward from the front of the chest wall) and diameters.
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Gummy Bear Implants
The semi-solid gels used in the construction of teardrop implants, can be made into shaped breast implants, sometimes known as "gummy bear implants". As a result of the relative firmness and stability of these materials, they keep their original shape whether you are sitting, standing or sitting. Natural breasts do not behave this way. Therefore, these can look unnatural. Since Gummy Bear implants keep their shape no matter what, they can rotate in the pocket and look very asymmetrical. Unnatural movement and possible rotation are reasons that they are not a popular choice among plastic surgeons at all. read more
Having served as the Director of a multi specialty breast center for years, Dr. Studin has done thousands of breast cases. His advice about incision placement for each individual person is based upon decades of experience and thousands of cases. When it comes to breast augmentation surgery, there are different incision locations that can be used. Options include transaxillary incision, which is made in the armpit; periareolar incision, which runs along the line between the dark-colored areola and the lighter surrounding skin; inframammary incision, which sits in the crease below the breast; and transumbilical incision, which allows the surgeon to insert an implant through the belly button. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. These are all covered in depth during your consultation with Dr. Studin. read more
Breast Implant Sizes
Finding the best implant size for your breasts by deciding what cup size you want doesn't work anymore. Today, some clothing manufacturers put size 2 labels on size 6 clothing, so that people can brag about being a small size. Some bra manufacturers put size D labels on size C bras so that people can brag about having large breasts. It's all about marketing. Dr. Studin's years of expertise doing breast implants have taught him that measuring your chest doesn't work either. read more
The volume of an implant, combined with the breast you already have, determines the size you will be after the surgery. You need your eyes, a mirror and implant sizers. Your breast, plus an implant in a sports bra, placed properly by the doctor, will show you pretty much exactly what you are going to look like once you have healed.
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If you are 18 years of age or older, you would like larger, for full, symmetric or more shapely breasts, breast augmentation is probably a great idea for you. You should sit with Dr. Studin and discuss your options. This surgery usually takes about a half an hour and by a few days later you are up and about. Most people are back to work or school in five days. read more
Are you a candidate?
What happens
during your breast
implant consultation
During the consultation, Dr. Studin will ask for your medical history, discuss your aesthetic goals, and evaluate your overall health. He will examine your breast anatomy, considering factors like size, shape, and skin quality. He will explain different implant options, such as saline or silicone, and discuss incisions, and many other aspects of the procedure.
Schedule consultPreparation
After finishing your consultation with Dr. Studin, you will need to go through some preparatory stages, which are discussed in the three simple steps below.
At first, Dr. Studin will go through your medical history, your goals and you will see pictures of other patients with similar goals. read more
You will have another consultation with Dr. Studin and his staff to pick a size and review any additional questions that you may have. read more
Before you surgery, you will speak with the nurses and the anesthesiology staff to get your instructions leading up to the surgery. read more
The Breast Augmentation
A short acting general anesthesia will be administered, so you are fully asleep, but quickly awake when the procedure is over.
Incision and Breast Implant
Once you are asleep, Dr. Studin will administer local anesthesia to the surgical areas. This way, you need less anesthesia to stay asleep and feel better because you are numb when you wake up.
Finishing the Surgery and Results
Your implants will be placed, usually completely under the muscle, in about 30 minutes by Dr. Studin.
You should be fully awake very quickly after the procedure and not feeling any pain. Most people say it feels a bit tight, but not terribly uncomfortable. Within an hour or so, you will go home or you can stay in a hotel near the office. Five days after surgery, most people are back to work or school.
Our Results
See Dr. Studin's Youtube Videos by clicking on the thumbnail.
Frequently Asked Questions
During the procedure, you would be asleep. Therefore you will feel nothing. While you're asleep, Dr. Studin administer is a long acting local anesthetic, so you wake up feeling a bit tight, but without pain. Staying ahead of the pain medicine for the first few days, most people report remarkably little discomfort.
Silicone gel breast implants provide the softest and most natural feel to touch.
Many people will have their implants for their whole life and never have to do anything. Sometimes, the implant can rupture. If this happens, it is not dangerous, but should be changed.
Breast-feeding is usually not affected by implants placed under the muscle. The implants are not against the breast, they are behind the muscle. Additionally, the nipple and milk ducts are not touched during this procedure. Dr. student will explain this to you in detail during your consultation.
Breast augmentation using your own fat has been done by many people. Dr. Studin will not do this. The reason is, that the fat is not supported with blood vessels, bringing nutrients. Therefore, a significant portion of the central fat that is transplanted to make your breasts bigger dies. Then can look like breast cancer on mammograms, leading to unnecessary biopsies and difficulty monitoring your breasts for breast cancer. Breast implants under the muscle are not against your breasts. They are behind the muscle, making monitoring your breasts later in life much easier for the mammographer.
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